Photovoltaics is the technical department, which deals with the conversion of sunlight into electricity. This transformation takes place in the photovoltaic cells, which are made ​​of pure silicon (Si) or specific compounds (CdTe, CIGS).

The photovoltaic effect was discovered in 1839 by nineteen years old Alexander Edmond Becquerel. The first true photovoltaic cell was made of crystalline silicon in the 1954th.

The term "photovoltaic" comes from the Greek expression "photos" meaning "light" and "volt", Which is a unit of electrical voltage. The term "photo-Voltaic" is used in English since the 1849th.


The principle of photovoltaics

Photovoltaic cell is made of silicon (semiconductor). Interaction of solar radiation and matter leads to absorption of photons and releasing electrons. Then a semiconductor generates free electric charge, electrons, which are transfered as an electricity from the solar cell via the recharge regulator to the battery or the appliance.


Photovoltaic power plant

Set of a larger number of solar panels, inverters and other structural and support elements is called solar photovoltaic power plant or equipment, depending on the size and conditions of implementation. Power plants differ mainly in its performance. The principle of power generation equipment is at most the same - the sun's rays hitting the surface of the photovoltaic panel and the terminal voltage appears. After connecting, the electric circuit flows in the DC circuit. In the inverter the DC voltage is discharged to AC in this form, energy is transferred to your home or distribution grid.


Photovoltaic panels (modules)

Photovoltaic modules are created by combining a certain number of solar cells. Where is it necessary to gain more energy the panels are linked together in so-called string. Currently, manufacturers guarantees for technology guarantee 5 to 10 years and a power warranty of 25 years and more. Due to the long-term use, it is necessary to focus on stable and good producers. Good indications of quality and technical parameters are permissible wind and snow load.



Solar panels produce direct current. The conversion of DC to AC is provided by the device called an inverter. The quality of the inverter is determined by its technical parameters. From a consumer perspective the most important are effectiveness and serviceable life.


String Box

A device that allows the export performance of multiple strings of photovoltaic panels to the inverter. Usually it is equipped with one-way surge protection and more comfortable version allows monitoring performance at individual strings.


Monitoring and Remote Control

Devices that allows you to monitor the health status of photovoltaic devices, usually via web browser or through an external display. Some manufacturers can configure some parameters remotely via the Internet.


On grid system

A device connected to the distribution system. On grid system is in operation only if it is connected to the distribution system. In the event of grid failure, device switches off too.

Off grid system

Device without connection to the distribution system. Allows you to power electrical appliances not connected to dte distrubution system.